
Solve the proportion: It takes 7 tomatillos to make 12 ounces of enchilada sauce. How many tomatillos does it take to make 18 ounces of enchilada sauce?

Accepted Solution

It would take 10 and half tomatillos to make 18 ounces of enchilada sauce.Step-by-step explanation:No. of tomatillos = 7Quantity of sauce made = 12 ouncesRatio of tomatillos to sauce = 7:12Quantity of sauce to made = 18 ouncesNo. of tomatillos used = xNew ratio of tomatillos to sauce = x:18Using proportionRatio of tomatillos to sauce :: New ratio of tomatillos to sauce[tex]7:12::x:18[/tex]Product of mean = Product of extreme[tex]12*x=7*18\\12x=126\\[/tex]Dividing both sides by 12[tex]\frac{12x}{12}=\frac{126}{12}\\x=10.5\ tomatillos[/tex]It would take 10 and half tomatillos to make 18 ounces of enchilada sauce.Keywords: ratio, proportionLearn more about ratios at:brainly.com/question/3799248brainly.com/question/3950386#LearnwithBrainly